Monday, February 13, 2012


The Westminster Kennel Club has announced that this year’s Best In Show competition
will include six new breeds, bringing to 185 the number of breeds vying for the grand prize. The  new breeds are:
1)      The Entlebucher mountain dog, a native of Switzerland, is praised for its work ethic and ease of training.
2)      The Finnish Lapphund is a reindeer herding dog from the northern parts of Scandinavia.
3)       The Norwegian Lundehund is also called the puffin dog. In arctic Norway the Lundehund retrieves puffin birds. The dog has six toes on each foot so it can handle the almost vertical areas where puffins nest.
4)      The American English coonhound is a descendant of the English Fox hound.
5)      The Xoloitzcuintli is the national dog of Mexico. It was previously known as the Mexican Hairless.
6)      The Chesky terrier is a well muscled short-legged hunting terrier. It is longer than it is tall and has a long, soft, gray silky coat.

            Thanks to a very discreet friend I have been made privy to information – let’s call it “insider barking” – concerning the breeds that are being considered for future inclusion in the Best in Show competition. These breeds are as follows:
1)      The Austrian Hairy Bottom Bowl - a breed quite popular among skiers and breakfast chefs, the name derives from the dog’s fuzz-covered tummy which resembles an outdoor salad container.
2)      The Laptop Terrier – as the name implies, this loyal dog, first bred in Belarus, will sit next to anyone who is busy typing on a laptop computer. For reasons scientists and canine experts are unable to understand, the Laptop terrier has the ability to correct a laptop user’s grammatical mistakes.
3)      The Poochie – this incredibly tiny dog (smaller than a Chihuahua) can fit in a woman’s purse or a man’s shirt pocket. On formal occasions it can be worn as a hair ornament.
4)      The New Zealand Ka-Pow – this indigenous breed,  whose bark sounds as if it’s saying the somewhat cartoonish phrase “Ka-Pow,” is associated with the fact that Kiwis (New Zealanders) enjoy an early dinner.
5)      Ralph.
6)      The Hot Diggity Dog – an oldie but a goodie. Named after the 1956 #1 hit by the relaxed, wonderful, great Perry Como, the song “Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom),” lyrics by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning, is based on the French romantic composer and pianist Emmauel Chabriel’s orchestral composition “Espana.” Please join in:
                  “Oh, hot diggity, dog ziggity boom, what’cha do to me,
                   It’s so new to me, what’cha do to me,
                  Hot diggity, dog ziggity boom, what’cha do to me,
                  When you’re holding me tight.”

            Best of luck to the once and future Best in Show.

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