The NBA is back, but as Jimmy Crack Corn often said, “I don’t care.” I’m a long-time fan, but not having professional basketball for the last few weeks has been good for me. I’ve learned to live without it, and I feel better about myself. I’ve finally gotten back to painting (still life – mostly blueberries with an occasional apple turnover). I’ve returned to my favorite form of writing – epic tone poems. (After much careful research I am almost finished with my work about the Visigoths versus the Boston Celtics.) I’ve rekindled my love of UPPER CASE LETTERS. I’ve used the hours I would have spent in front of the TV to walk along Hazeltine Avenue and count the number of apartment air conditioners that need dusting. I’ve thought of new friends and old nursery rhymes. I’ve practiced my penmanship and polished my sneakers.

Sure they’re back, making their millions, but during all their time off did one of them ever ask “How’s Preminger doing? Is he all right? Would he like a muffin?” My guess would be NO.

Sure they’re back, in their much too long shorts (cute on 9-year olds, not on grown-ups), and we’re suppose to say, “Poor babies, we hope you’re okay.” Well, I have a painting of two pineapples looking over a sunset to finish, and a poem to complete and miles to go before I standish.

My family and friends are what’s most important to me…so, owners and players, fill your pockets and slam your dunks, I’ve got a life to lead.

More paint, Shirley.